
This is the time of year where people seem to be reminded of all the things in life that they are thankful for – friends, family, freedom, church, school, health, and all things pumpkin spice. Not everyone gets everything they want, but everyone should be thankful for what they have.

Let us not forget that “giving” is a part of “Thanksgiving”. You may not be able to give money, but you can give time. You can give by doing your Good Turn every day; just like we teach our Scouts. You give by volunteering at Scout meetings, attending campouts, and participating in service projects and fundraisers. You selflessly give your most precious resource – your time; and I will share with you a secret: your Scouts and their families are thankful that you do.

For those that participated last weekend to distribute door hangers in support of our annual Scouting for Food drive, and for those that will help this upcoming weekend to collect the food that has been generously donated by our communities, I want to say “thank you” for giving your time once again. The families in need that are served by our local food banks are thankful and grateful for everyone’s generosity.

That’s what Thanksgiving really is, a time to give thanks. The Pilgrims started it hundreds of years ago when they gathered to thank God for a bountiful harvest. When you sit down with your family and friends for Thanksgiving dinner this year, take time to count your blessings and give proper thanks for them.

I am thankful to you all for being here tonight and thankful to each of you for volunteering your time in this thing called Scouting. I wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing you all again next month.